first of all -- thanks to rachael for her awesome gift card that i bought cooking utensils with!!! now i can start to cook things again!

i'm making friends (even with some people from our rival station down the street) and finding fun things to do with them when i get time off and have enough energy to not totally just fall asleep. i've noticed myself going to bed earlier lately and it makes me feel so old! but then yesterday i was working on a story at an elementary school in abbotsford and one of the girls there asked if i went to the high school (which is attached to the elementary school) and i told her that i don't. one of her teachers asked me the same question so i guess i will just always look like i'm 16 years old...even when carrying a monster camera and tripod and stuff all by myself. which reminds me -- i need to start lifting weights or something because everything we have to carry is SUPER-HEAVY!!
as for my settling in at home situation, i've been browsing couches on craigslist but i don't have any cash and probably won't until i open a bank account somewhere in the city (hopefully next week) so that's kind of on pause for now. i've been looking at bookcases and bedding (the two things that i definitely want to get next) but have yet to decide on things that i absolutely can't live without. since i don't want to buy something that i am just okay with, i'm holding out but i'll be going shopping this afternoon so we'll see if i can find anything cool.
OH! and thanks to ruth and sarah for sending me yummy bread and pictures of dustbuster that i got today. i seriously almost died when the doorbell rang (since only a few people know where i live and most of them work during the day) but it was just their package so that was awesome. guess i know how i'll be spending my evening -- catching up on celebrity magazines and eating bread ( : and to mom for sending me those tights (i just got them in the mail yesterday).
p.s. if anyone wants to come visit me (which if you are reading this, you should), you should fly into CWA (the central wisconsin airport). it is the closest to my house and usually has connections to / from minneapolis, denver, detroit and chicago.
:) hopefully you got the bread before it got moldy!!! more pictures and packages (and dare I say money??) to come soon, no worries. i love you!!!!
Yayay for the connections from Detroit. I need to plan a visit for next summer. Also, I am glad you now have backing utensils so that you can get to work on your amazing pastry chef skills. The sooner you open a famous pastry shop, the sooner you move back here. JK. It's good to read that life is going well.
I keep finding these super sweet couches on Provo Craigslist & realizing I can't just ship them to you...well I could but that would cost more than the actual couch. Have you thought of maybe releasing your inner frat boy & making pizza-box furniture?
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