so in the future, when i have to run to rehearsal straight from my internship in salt lake and haven't had time to change into more practical clothes, it'd be really cool if you didn't rip my tights in like three different places while i am changing gels and focusing lights.
okay thanks.
xox from anna.
Blast anything that rips tights!
The Theatre is a Vicious, Jealous Mistress. You ought know that by now.
Take the time to ask her how she is before you start fiddling.
theatre > broadcast.
+ she's always gonna hold a grudge.
Dear Theatre,
Listen to Anna, no seriously, I mean it. Until you decide to become a more practical occupation we're going to have to share time between you and something that pays the bills. So try not to maim us while we're spending time with you, it doesn't make our lives any easier :)
Love, Natalie
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