Sunday, June 17, 2012


as per usual, i have a million different things to write about.

so here's my plan.
i'll get you caught up on all the delicious food i've been making,
then talk about some cool reporter things 
before starting my utah recap next week.
i'm scheduling a bunch of (daily!) blogposts so stay tuned (or miss out).
first things first -- PINATA COOKIES!

in my inspiration recipe, it said to use sugar cookie dough 
(after the fact, i realize why...more on that in a minute) 
but i decided to make something way more delicious 
-- chocolate chip cookie dough batter without chocolate chips.
so i rolled them into a few dough balls and proceeded to color them.
the dough i made had a yellowish tint so it was really hard to make it look truly red or blue (purple and pink were impossible).
i don't think that would have been an issue 
if i had just made sugar cookie dough. 
oh well. live and learn.
i stained my hands with food coloring to make these adorable little rainbow dough balls.
next, i split each dough ball in half and made these layers of dough.
^ that got to stay in the freezer overnight.
(if you are making these, i lined the pan with plastic wrap which helped me get the dough out after it was frozen)
i let it thaw in the fridge for a few hours the next morning
before slicing them up (very thinly!) and baking.
350 degrees for about 10 minutes.
then, while they're still warm, i cut them into 
little shapes and cut out the middles of 1/3 of the cookies. 
then you start stacking.
-- full cookie on the bottom -- 
-- hollow cookie on top -- 
-- and another full cookie on top --
plus a thin layer of frosting in the middle and mini m&m's inside!
voila...pinata cookies!
i made them again a few days later, but this time i put mini chocolate chips in the batter and ditched the food coloring...way easier!
also delicious.


ruth said...

those cookies are LEGIT. I want to make a rainbow cake for dustbusters birthday.... come out andm ake it with me? you can job interview here or something while youre out here and count it as work, right?

Micaela said...

you have WAY more patience than me. way to go!

Emily said...

^ What Micaela said. Also, Yummy!

Briane said...

OH MAN. I didn't think that cookies could get any better than, you know, being cookies. But I am obviously way behind on my cookie technology, and I am in awe of you.

I kind of was tempted to take a bite out of my computer screen. Those look awesome.

Anonymous said...

Oh my GOSH those look so good!!!! Am I the only one that thinks you used dinosaur cut-outs instead of donkeys or whatever though...? Just love dinosaurs (: