my weekly shopping trip included some of these:

hah. i just loved, okay? plus i needed new socks.
my shopping trip was sort of a mixed bag, as i accidentally bought the expensive milk (same color as the milk i always buy but like $2 more! oops) and expensive grapes ($8 for a bunch of grapes, grumble grumble -- maybe the world's retribution for me getting two bunches so cheaply last time?) but at least i got to make another delicious chocolate chip banana shake with these ingredients (plus a few more).
also, my yogurt will expire on --

^ DK's BDAY!!
i'll probably eat it all before then. but it was still funny.
also...remember this?
...and it only took me five trips to the pottery painting store to do it.
i just loved, okay? hahaha
um I LOVE YOUR MUG. You need to make a dinosaur one for baby d!!! PS when are you coming out here?!?! i miss you too much. and i need to buy new running socks too. where did you get them?
also... chocolate chip banana shake has just been added to tonights meal. :) thanks for the idea!
hahaha TWIN SOCKS! we will have to party/run together. while wearing our socks. sometime (:
I LOVE YOUR SHARKFACE MUG. soso much. but mostly you.
HAHA ps i just noticed your post is called "sock stalker"... lolol. love you.
Excellent mug. They used to have a pottery painting store near us, but it's gone now. I miss it. And I was way bad at it. Yours is good.
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