Tuesday, September 15, 2009

world of dance.

the show i'm working on this week is "world of dance." it is a lot of things, including ballet dancers, folk dancers, tap dancers, ballroom dancers, modern dancers, and all sorts of other crazy things. it's really entertaining and i've watched it a few times now (with many more performances still to come this week). each dance is so unique and different...very cool overall.

i guess what i'm trying to talk about is diversity. sure, some of these folk dances have been around for ages, but many of the more modern-type dances are very new. if you turned back the clock a couple decades, you wouldn't see dancing or theatre or books or music like you do today.

so in the middle of a week where people can't seem to get over the fact that some mtv execs gave kanye a few too many extra shots of patron before the show, i think we might be better off thinking about how cool it was to have a hip-hop rapper guy and a teenage country singer sharing the stage (if only for a few brief moments) at an awards show that celebrates so many more different kinds of music. this kind of encounter would never have happened if it was just ten or fifteen years ago. "mainstream" music is becoming more diverse and opening the doors for different kinds of experimentation. and if all these worlds happen to collide at the vma's, then i'm okay with that.

...we all know it was probably a publicity stunt anyways.


Ranteumptom said...

That Jay Leno is such a trickster.

Courtney said...

Anna I just did a preview for World of Dance. I was less than excited. Why haven't you been in the Brimhall?