Thursday, October 15, 2009

it rained yesterday.

it's been pretty boring around here lately, weather-wise. sometimes it'll be cold and sometimes it will be nice fall weather. and then yesterday, it was rain, rain, rain. it rained for most of the entire day.

loved it.
there really aren't enough thunderstorms in utah to keep me happy.

the best part was that i got to enjoy the sights and sounds of the rain while somehow missing all of the showers as i switched between classes. must be my impeccable timing at work.

but in the evening, i went to the store with em and on our way home it was raining and the sun came out and suddenly there was this GIGANTIC rainbow. it was incredible! a full rainbow, with all the colors, stretching from provo to maybe american fork or something (it was seriously huge). that kind of awesome-ness, you just don't see all that often.

emily says: "god must be telling provo that everything will be okay."

<3 roommate bff.

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