okay. first of all, i've noticed that lately i've been using lots of questions marks and exclamation points and bolded words. it's like i'm sensationalizing my life. as a journalist, i realize that is unacceptable and i will work harder to make things more real. yeah...that's legit.
* * * * *
an open letter to myself --
for the record...no one cares:
-why you're late
-what you meant to say
-how you really feel
-about the certain boy from a certain class who you finally just talked to and it was awesome
-about a different boy from a different class who totally ignored you and you hate him for it
-what your high school gpa was
-whether or not you had enough sleep last night
-about any of your lame excuses
-whether or not you make it
-what you're secretly thinking about
...just in case you were wondering.
with love from,
Mom's Eulogy
1 week ago